Some things change.

As I walked around this afternoon--on my old "walk around from 2-5 p.m." schedule--I discovered the range of things that have closed or moved here.  That shoe store that I kind of liked the couple of times I went in?  Gone.  The First Class Teas shop next door?  Also gone. The art gallery near the Barclays ATMs?  Moved around the corner.  The HSBC with the other ATMs I used to use when the Barclays ones refused my American ATM card?  Gone?  No--moved, with its old building apparently in the process of being deconstructed from the inside out. 

In that last case, though, a small (perhaps even somewhat perverse) lesson: sometimes when things go away, they do so in order to make room for new things.  Like this tiny bit of unexpected graffiti where a window used to be.