The particular reader I am...
...will not grimace or groan at the thought of Oprah's choosing two Charles Dickens novels as her next Book Club pick but will instead go out and acquire the brand new, surprisingly-already-in-our-local-bookstore-even-though-the-announcement-was-only-yesterday, Oprah-commissioned Penguin edition (aka, when media bigwigs get together for something like the power of good), fully intending to read along in the next six weeks and get an unexpected layer of preparation for the upcoming Dickens and Eliot seminar (which, though it does not include either of these two novels, will include the novels on either side of them). Will, however, groan at this Book Club's reading selection's having been dubbed "A Date with Dickens."
Have you heard about #reverb10 yet? Writing responses to each day's prompt is the way I'm spending my dinnertime, and it's been mighty spiffy so far.