I have caved
I've been reading others' blogs for almost a year, having previously been part of a couple of group blogs. The group blogs always made perfect sense to me: neater than a lot of e-mails circulating to a huge list, they let a whole group of us stay in touch even once we started moving away from our graduate school careers. But the idea of starting an individual blog has felt so solipsistic to me until now--despite the fact that I don't think my blogging friends are at all self-involved or silly. In fact, new posts on their blogs make me almost absurdly happy. I have no pretensions about whether this blog will make other people happy. I just figure, it's about time I stop hogging other people's comments sections and start making my own textual space over here.
I'm probably going to be a little stilted at first, while I find my blogging feet. You all don't know I'm here yet anyway; by the time people catch on, I'll have caught up.
source for today's image: Kip Brockman's View-Master reference page.