Down the river, up the meadow.
Today, I continued to show my visiting friend what this part of the United Kingdom looks like. It was the Alternate Transport portion of the trip: an afternoon on a punt, an evening walk through Grantchester Meadows. Everyone in the punt poled successfully for some goodly stretch; my visiting friend even managed, on his debut, to steer us deftly back into the punt rental company's dock.
This goose's missing beak testifies to the excitement I was expressing about seeing its baby swimming so energetically and efficiently for one so small. (I'm bummed about this one; a reshoot would be pretty much impossible, alas.) These non-Canada geese seem to have dropped in on Cambridge all of a sudden this week; there are four of them (plus the baby) hanging about in the paddocks at Trinity.
Later, these grasses made me miss my prairie, and made me know how much I'll miss these meadows when I'm gone.